I don't know him.
I don't know why I dream of him,
or why he's Waiting for me.
I can't explain it.
it's as if
there's something
though I'm not quite sure

This is a story of forgotten things and lost people;
A search
Of pain and love, life and death,
inextricably interlocked.

Where would you go?
What would you dream?

Come with me.
Let me take your hand.
And let us dance.


Current News

April 18, 2012

Psst! Page 40's up. I finally reached the 40-mark! That's like 10 pages away from 50 pages! (I-is that supposed to be a milestone...?) -_-; ....everything's a milestone. Oh, also I'll be wandering around MoCCA Fest next weekend! If you find me, I might have bookmarks to give away, I'm just sayin'. ;D

April 11, 2012

-Hm! I finished page 39! I worked on a batch of pages this time, so hopefully the next update won't take as long. H-hopefully. Also, the gallery's now updated with the February incentive! =D (Remarkably, I have quite a few stockpiled now, so somehow I'm still updating TWCs every month...) ;D

If you get tired of coming back here to check for updates, the LJ updates community and onlinecomics listing will always reflect new pages.


(April incentive's is up!)

NOTE: This story contains homosexual characters and teenage angst. Recommended Ages 15+ and an open and mature mind.

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Danse Macabre Copyright © 2006-2012 tristin. All rights reserved.